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About : Katherine Kingdon - Fatbellypots - Artist based in Newbury, Berkshire

I've been making figurative clay pieces for a long time, figures informed by lots of drawing. 

A recent change of circumstances has given me time to develop my clay work further and I've begun building ceramic vessels and using my drawing skills to work into the surface. I'm really enjoying this combination of drawing and making. I've been drawing for a long time, in sketchbooks, in life-drawing sessions, in preparation for teaching unruley kids (and a few engaged, delightful and creative ones). I've also made cards for family and friends for as long as I can remember.

I like to work with an element of chance, employing happy accidents to develop each piece organically, whether it be in clay or on paper. I make a rough plan, do some visual research, then allow the piece to develop as suits it best. There's a lot of quiet staring and creative decision making during the making process. 

I hope that you like the results.  

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