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About : Tina Hadley Photography - Photographer based in Middle Barton, Oxfordshire

Tina Hadley FRPS QEP Location & Studio Portrait Photographer and Digital Artist.

Tina has been married to husband Bob for 42years and has three children. 

She completed an apprenticeship as a Portrait photographer in Germany during the 1960's and returned to England in 1971 to complete her Finals with the IIP as a Medical Photographer. Tina worked in the Middle East as a free lance commercial Photographer during the early 80's. 

In 1990 she returned to Portraiture, her first love and started her studio in Buckinghamshire. During this time she gained awards and her Fellowships with the major Photographic Institutions.

She moved to Middle Barton in April 2014 where she built a new Garden Studio and continues her profession printing and framing her own work in house.

Her work and style is widely reckognised and treasured by many. She continues to undertake commissions and still travels far and wide. 

Her "Fine-art" work is available framed and unframed and as limited editions, using the highest quality of materials available. Her work can be seen on her web



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