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About : Davina Kemble - Artist and Photographer based in Margate, Kent




Matter contains the authenticity of our existence – that of experience and history. These anthropological connections inspire and inform my work, the focus of which lies in the relationship between material substance and form. I explore how we integrate everyday objects - taking the essence of them into our subconscious - and how we respond to them when they are taken out of their usual function and environment and juxtapose them with others, thereby creating dualities between inner and outer experience.

Over a 25 year period I studied and developed my artistic skills working exclusively with character woods as a chosen medium - incorporating architectural and sculptural forms. I then went on to study wire and paper modelling and print-making.

In 2013 I received a First Class Honours Degree in Applied Art and Design from Bath Spa University and won the Business Plan Merit Award for the 'Pebblewood Coffin'.

In 2014 I was awarded a Masters in Fine Art by Bath Spa University.

From 2016 - 2018 I developed and now run Pebblewood Urns alongside my studio practice that has moved to :  Northdown Studios - Cliftonville - Margate.

In 2018 I joined as a contributor and am currently working on two new installations.

Contact Details

T. 01249 813007




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