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About : Anna Ventura Artist - Artist and Illustrator based in Kingsbridge, Devon

Anna Ventura is an artist based in Kingsbridge, Devon, who produces and exhibits Fine Art and illustrated projects.

She graduated in Fine Arts in 2010, specialising in illustration and graphic design, and has been building up her own art and design business since 2013. Under her business umbrella she has been developing a variety of products. Her body of work includes an extensive collection of ink work originals and prints, some of which have been converted into cards, tote bags, tea towels and cushions. But some she has also been passionate about producing high quality Fine Art.

Overall, Anna is a very proactive artist with many upcoming shows and exhibitions in the Devon Area. For up to date information on her events or about her works, don't forget to visit her artist's page and follow her on facebook:

Besides her artwork, Anna has also taken on board important graphic design projects and has established herself as a local business in her area producing digital graphic solutions for businesses and individuals. For more about her graphic design, you can visit and


She is also on Twitter as @venturaartist. On instagram as @annaventuraartist.

She also belongs to several exhibition groups and associations:

- South Hams Arts Forum - committee member organising The Arts Trail (South Hams open studios)

- The Creative Collective South Hams - to which she is the founder. Twitter @createcollec & Facebook visit our website: 
- The Salcombe Art Club - committee member in charge of digital and printed merchandise and media.
- A-N - Artist's network member.


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