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About : Olga Paparega - Artist based in Kidderminster, Worcestershire

Painting became my main occupation not so long ago, in the beginning of 2019.

Before moving to the United Kingdom, I lived and worked in Russia. I gained a museology degree from the Yaroslavl State University, but I developed a more pragmatic career in purchasing and sales, most of it at national and international companies in Moscow, Russia. While in Moscow, I did a Mosaic Course and then studied at the Academic Design School, where I specialised in decor and styling for interiors.

The design school was a revelation. I loved learning different techniques, whether painting, decorating or mixing art forms - doing things with my hands - so much that I didn’t want to stop.

It was after moving to the United Kingdom in late 2018, that I had the possibility to spend more time painting, exploring, trying new techniques and getting to know myself as an artist. 

I like botanical art and painting animals, which I do mainly in watercolour and liners, but I don’t have a main genre yet, as my art is still fluid and I am trying to find a way through the various art forms.

However, I am increasingly attracted and intrigued by the challenge of expressing the beauty and intricacies of this world in monochrome, which is my favourite painting technique for now.


My instagram page with all my works is here 

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