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Jacqueline Byrne - Artist based in Holt, Wiltshire

Please Note:

The cards used in these packs are smaller than the standard LFTA cards. Square cards are 125mm square and rectangles are 105mm x 148mm (A6) or 148mm x 105mm (A6 'left-folded') for landscape layouts.

Card Packs

Barn Owls
Barn Owls - £7.00
Christmas Dinner
Christmas Dinner - £7.00
Christmas Tree Stag
Christmas Tree Stag - £7.00
Garden Birds
Garden Birds - £7.00
Hare Paintings
Hare Paintings - £7.00
Hoglets - £7.00
Mammal Mix
Mammal Mix - £7.00
Mountain Hare - 2
Mountain Hare - 2 - £7.00
Robin On Sprout
Robin On Sprout - £7.00
Six Bumble Bees
Six Bumble Bees - £7.00
Trees - £7.00
Wild Christmas
Wild Christmas - £7.00
Yuletide Dormouse
Yuletide Dormouse - £7.00

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