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About : Jacqueline Byrne - Artist based in Holt, Wiltshire

I studied at Bath Spa University as a mature student and gained my degree in Creative Arts in 2013. Being an artist is career number three and it's where I'll stay. I work and sell from my open studio in Bradford on Avon, near to my home. I draw wildlife, trees and landscapes on wood using graphite and coloured crayon. I use the negative space in composing a drawing and I like the sense of space they often have. It gives the image a quietness and allows the wood to be part of the drawing too.I have a liking for the slightly odd or quirky and I am sometimes able to let this into the drawings. I hope to be able to follow more of my own wierdness as I progress. More recently I have returned to painting in oil and acrylic as you'll see in my more colourful work.


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