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About : Gillian Simpson - Artist based in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire

I work mostly in watercolour and inks just loving the fluidity they bring to my paintings.  My passion for Cornwall, in particular the beautiful rugged landscape of West Penwith and charm of St Ives, inspires much of my work.   I try to capture the emotion and energy of a subject - the antics and unique personalities of the seagulls make me smile.  

You will see that I also like to experiment with other media, and have included in my card range some digital adaptations of my watercolours, and a few oils and acrylics.  That said, my watercolour palette is never far from my side.

If you would like to see more of my work...

Follow me on Facebook Gillian Simpson - Artist   or Instagram #gilliansimpsonart

I will be taking part in Worcestershire Open Studios in August  

Or if you're lucky enough to be in St Ives - why not look at some there and treat yourself to a delicious cream tea in Olives Cafe, Island Square 




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